Changes in Operations after June 2021 will reduce the scope of operation and the amount of new content created after June 2021. This document gives you an overview of planned changes, more details are in these documents:

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Access to Existing Content

  • You will be able to access existing public content until further notice.
  • Standard and Expert Subscribers will have access to webinar content and online courses selected as part of Expert subscription for the duration of their subscription.
  • Content available to Free Subscribers might be moved into Git repositories.

New Content

  • The expected reduced blogging frequency didn't happen. There's a new blog post published almost every weekday, and the "to publish" queue is still overflowing;
  • We stopped recording new episodes of Software Gone Wild podcast, and might replace it with a similar podcast in the future. No firm plans yet; in the meantime you might want to listen to The Modem Podcast by Nick Buraglio.
  • Ivan will continue creating and delivering webinars after June 2021. The current plan is to deliver at least one live webinar session per month, augmented by ipSpace Design Clinic - see 2021 delivery plans for details.
  • Most of the content will cover new technologies or additions to existing content (example: new AWS or Azure fetures). Don't expect too many updates of the old content (but see the 2021 delivery plans).

Changes to Standard Subscriptions

  • You will be able to buy individual or team Standard subscription or renew it for the foreseeable future.
  • You will keep getting new content after June 2021, and there's over 300 hours of existing content waiting for you (just make sure to check the content creation date – see above).
  • Active subscriptions will be automatically extended for a month in every month in which we won’t run a live session or deliver content of comparable length, apart from July, August, and December. We had summer- and end-of-year breaks in those months anyway.

Changes to Expert Subscriptions

  • There will be no changes for Expert subscribers. You will get 12 months of support, and your access to subscription materials will be extended in the same way as for Standard subscribers.

Changes to Online Courses

  • We don't have any plans to run live online courses in the future, but there's over 100 hours of existing course content waiting for you.
  • There will be no change for existing course attendees.
  • We will keep supporting you in your studies and review hands-on assignments after July 2021… but it might take a bit longer than usual.
  • At some point in the far future we might shut down the course materials web site and will tell you that at least three months in advance.

On-Site Workshops

  • We stopped doing on-site workshops at the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and have no plans to restart them.


  • We stopped offering the ExpertExpress service. You can contact us and we'll try to find someone we trust to deliver great results to help you out.


  • We'll stop accepting purchase orders (or generating quotes) for amounts below $1000 on July 1st 2021.
  • Credit cards will be the only way to buy or renew standalone Standard subscription after July 1st 2021.
  • You will be able to generate a quote for a team subscription renewal as long as the total amount exceeds $1000.