
Contact Us

I appreciate your interest in products and services. I know this website has grown to a point where finding the information you need can sometimes be challenging. Here are the usual topics our visitors are interested in:

Choosing and buying an product

We no longer sell online courses (details) or subscriptions (details). Asking me to make an exception (including "the dog ate my email" or "I just discovered your site") won't work – the purchasing infrastructure has been shut down, and there's no way to make an exception.

Consulting services

We no longer offer the ExpertExpress service. Still, if you get in touch and give me more details, I might be able to connect you with one of our experts who might be available for direct engagements.

Just to let you know, we can't do time-critical consulting, and we don't usually do remote troubleshooting. If you have a network-down situation or need troubleshooting assistance, contact your supplier's or vendor's TAC, not us.

Problems with your account

The common questions we get are collected in frequently-asked questions. Workgroup-specific questions are collected in Workgroup products FAQ.

Please get in touch if you can't find the answer you're looking for in these documents.

Technical questions and challenges

While we provide tons of free content, we cannot answer lengthy questions, solve your design challenges, or analyze your router configurations for free. Having said that, if you're looking for someone who could do that, you might have come to the right place, but we'll have to charge for that. Check the Consulting services above.

However, if you disagree with my writing or have an interesting technical question, please continue reading.

Disagree with what we wrote?

Please remember this fundamental rule: We have independent opinions. AG is completely vendor-independent, which reflects in its online courses, other digital content and its blog. We aim to help you gain in-depth knowledge of advanced networking-, data center/cloud- or SDN/automation technologies without being sponsored by equipment- or software vendors mentioned in courses, webinars, articles, or blog posts.

If you disagree with our understanding of the technical facts (or if we're plain wrong), please let Ivan know, and we'll fix the relevant material, but don't expect us to change our opinions or conclusions without presenting additional solid evidence supporting your claims.

Have an interesting technical question?

If you have an interesting technical question or have made an unusual observation in your network, don't hesitate to send Ivan a message, and you might find the answer to your question published as a blog post.

However, due to the large amount of incoming emails, it's tough to reply to everyone, and we cannot reply to questions where it's obvious you're trying to solve your business challenges for free.

Fan letters

Everyone loves to hear that they're doing something right; we're no exception. Please send Ivan a message with your feedback.

We also appreciate courteous and constructive critiques of our work, but if all you want to do is send someone a frustrated rant because we called your product or idea ugly, please take it somewhere else. We know you can do better than that, and we do listen to technical arguments.

Blog post ideas

Have you found cool technology or have a good story you think is worthy of a podcast episode or a blog post? Please share it with us. If you happen to work for a vendor, you might want to read this first.

Getting in touch

We had an excellent contact form you could use to send us an email. For whatever weird reason, most of the stuff we got was spam, and contrary to what the Pop Psych Gurus had to say, the spammers had no problems clicking the "this is not spam" checkbox.

The only way to reach Ivan directly is thus via email, and including it in this paragraph would guarantee a ton of spam, so that's a non-starter. However, Ivan's email is included in every presentation. For example, if you open this one, you'll find what you need on the first page.

If, however, you'd like to know more about the open-source projects Ivan is involved in, use GitHub to raise an issue or start a discussion in one of these repositories (you'll have to create a GitHub account first):

I apologize for the inconvenience, but I will no longer make spammers' jobs easier.