PCI DSS for Engineers

Adventures in PCI Wonderland

Overall rating: 4.69 Instructor: 4.70 Materials: 4.58 more …

PCI DSS can be one of the most infuriating set of standards on the compliance landscape. While it seems simple – six domains and twelve requirements – the art of interpreting PCI can lead to full blown war in an organisation, with engineering at the center. In this webinar we’ll demystify some of the more difficult and misunderstood aspects of PCI DSS. We’ll cover the important changes from recently announced PCI DSS 3.0, discuss the best practices for starting (and maintaining) a PCI DSS initiative in an organization, and how to avoid battles with the QSA.


This webinar is part of Network Security roadmap and accessible with standard subscription

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About the Author

Michele ChubirkaMichele Chubirka, also known as Mrs. Y, is a recovered Unix engineer with a focus on DevSecOps, cloud and product security. She likes long walks in hubsites, writing user stories, and spending extended hours in the Bat Cave. She believes every problem can be solved with a "for" loop.

You can find her ruminations on information security and life at http://postmodernsecurity.com. When not blogging or podcasting, she can be found using up her 15 minutes in the Twittersphere or Google+ as @MrsYisWhy.

Happy Campers

About the webinar

Michele's presentation was fantastic and very informative. It filled in and clarified a lot of my high level gaps in knowledge around PCI.

Ben Mason
It's a good amount of background on a very complicated (PCI) subject.
Jim Sproule
It helped me confirm that I do not need to know about PCI DSS. So I did not go beyond the first three modules.
Steve Nash
Informative and not too dense
Dante Aguilar

About the materials

I would love to see some case studies, re: PCI. The DSS standard is thick on "chapter and verse" and thin on tangible successful solutions.
Jim Sproule
It is important to be able to dip into subjects like this in order to discover whether or not they are applicable. I am very pleased to have had the opportunity to do just that. I will look now at other IpSpace subject sessions.
Steve Nash


Just watched @MrsYisWhy ’s great PCI DSS presentation with @ioshints more well explained acronyms then you can shake a stick at.